Eureka Fellowship for Youth Changemakers in Canada

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Eureka Fellowship for Youth Changemakers in Canada
. In a world rife with challenges, the need for empowered, visionary leaders has never been more pressing. The Eureka Fellowship, a groundbreaking initiative by AstraZeneca Canada and Plan International Canada, stands at the forefront of nurturing the next generation of changemakers. With its unwavering commitment to fostering youth leadership and driving sustainable impact, the fellowship serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring leaders across Canada.

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The One Young World Summit

Central to the Eureka Fellowship experience is the prestigious One Young World Summit, slated to take place in Montreal, Quebec, from September 18th to 21st, 2024. This flagship event brings together some of the world’s brightest minds and boldest voices, providing an unparalleled platform for dialogue, collaboration, and action. Against the backdrop of Montreal’s vibrant culture and dynamic energy, delegates will immerse themselves in four transformative days of workshops, speeches, and networking sessions, gaining invaluable insights and forging lasting connections with fellow youth leaders from around the globe.

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  • Candidates should be between the ages of 18 and 30 while applying and pose a problem in Canada.
  • They must be recognized as a figurehead within the community, showing an exceptional passion for environmental issues.
  • Applicants should demonstrate willingness to participate, collaborate, and exchange expertise.
  • Moreover, they should exhibit impact in healthcare, environmental protection, or diversity and inclusion.

The Eureka Fellowship Experience

As recipients of the Eureka Fellowship, participants will embark on a journey that transcends borders and transforms lives. Here’s what awaits them:

  • Youth Leadership Representation: Selected fellows will represent AstraZeneca Canada and Plan International Canada as youth leaders, sharing their voices globally.
  • Financial Support: The fellowship covers all expenses for attending the One Young World Summit, ensuring financial barriers don’t impede participation.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Delegates can engage with leaders from various sectors, exchanging ideas and exploring collaboration opportunities.
  • Exclusive Programming: Fellows gain access to specialized workshops, seminars, and events to enhance leadership skills and deepen understanding of key issues.
  • Membership in One Young World Ambassador Community: After the fellowship, participants join a prestigious network of alumni committed to driving global change, offering ongoing support and collaboration opportunities.

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Selection Criteria

  • Passion for Change: Demonstrated commitment to driving positive change in one or more of the fellowship’s focus areas, including healthcare access, environmental sustainability, and diversity and inclusion.
  • Leadership Potential: Strong leadership qualities, including vision, resilience, empathy, and the ability to inspire others and effect change.
  • Innovation and Creativity: The capacity to think innovatively, develop creative solutions to complex problems, and challenge the status quo.
  • Collaborative Spirit: Willingness to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, share knowledge and insights, and work collectively towards common goals.
  • Impact and Track Record: A proven track record of making a tangible difference through previous initiatives, projects, or leadership roles.


find out more about AstraZeneca Canada’s sustainability initiatives.

Click here to find out more about Plan International Canada’s Five Areas of Expertise.

Deadline: April 23, 2024


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